GM will soon present its restructuring plan to Germany and other governments and hopes for its favorable consideration, said GM Chief Executive Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson in a statement. ' 通用汽车首席执行长韩德胜(Frederick'Fritz'Henderson)在一份声明中说,公司不久将向德国和其他国家政府提交重组计划,希望能获得肯定。
Kat and Beth are great additions to our Peoples Choice family and we are excited to have them host the show, said Peoples Choice Awards Executive Producer Mark Burnett in a statement. 凯特和贝丝能让我们人民选择这个大家庭更加精彩,我们也很兴奋能请到她们主持,人民选择奖执行制片马克说道。
HP is making a bold move to win in today's China, said chief executive Meg Whitman in a statement. 惠普CEO梅格惠特曼表示:惠普为赢得今天的中国市场迈出了勇敢的一步。
Uxin hopes to use the strengths of its Internet technologies and experience in the used-car market to improve the efficiency of transactions, and to help dealers identify potential buyers with greater accuracy, Chris Dai, the chief executive of the Chinese company, said in a statement. 优信首席执行官戴琨发表声明称,优信希望利用互联网技术的优势以及在二手车市场的丰富经验提高交易效率,帮助经销商更准确地识别潜在买家。
Verizon's vision is to provide customers with a premium digital experience based on a global multiscreen network platform, Lowell C. McAdam, Verizon's chief executive, said in a statement. 威瑞信希望为用户提供基于全球多屏网络平台的优质数码体验,威瑞信首席执行官洛厄尔·C·麦克亚当(LowellC.McAdam)发表声明称。
The chief executive of the Omaha, Nebraska-based investment company was diagnosed last week after which he had additional medical tests, he said in a statement. 巴菲特是总部位于内布拉斯加州奥马哈的伯克希尔哈撒韦投资公司的首席执行官。他在声明中表示,自己是在上周被确诊为癌症的,此后他还做了进一步检查。
David Wei, former chief executive of Alibaba. com, is also a shareholder in 91 Wireless, according to the statement. 声明称,阿里巴巴前首席执行官卫哲(DavidWei)也是91无线的股东。
Jamie Dimon, chief executive, said in a statement: It was in the best interests of our company and shareholders for us to accept responsibility, resolve these issues and move forward. 该行首席执行官杰米•戴蒙(JamieDimon)在声明中表示:承担责任、解决这些问题并继续前进,最符合本公司和股东们的利益。
Eric Ellenbogen, a DreamWorks International TV executive, said in a statement that audiences in the region have always embraced our content. 梦工厂国际电视主管埃里克·埃伦博根(EricEllenbogen)在声明中说,这一地区的观众一直喜欢我们的内容。
Mr. Buffett, Berkshire's chief executive and chairman, said in a statement Wednesday that Mr. Sokol had told him he owned shares in the chemical company, Lubrizol Corp., when they first discussed the deal in January. 伯克希尔首席执行长兼董事长巴菲特周三发表声明说,今年1月他们最开始讨论收购交易时,索科尔对巴菲特说过他自己持有路博润公司的股票。
Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang will pay a four-day duty visit to Beijing starting Monday, the city's government said Friday in a statement. 香港特区政府周五的一份声明称,香港特区行政长官曾荫权周一将到北京进行为期四天的述职访问。
Gupta told Goldman in March he wouldn't be standing for re-election, did Goldman chief executive Lloyd Blankfein issue a public statement lavishing praise for his service? 古普塔于3月份向高盛表示不再谋求连任的时候,高盛首席执行长布兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)为什么发表公开声明对他的功劳大加赞扬?
Richard Elman, Noble's chief executive, said in a statement: [ CIC], like us, evaluate the evolution and success of a company over decades as opposed to merely fiscal quarters. 来宝集团首席执行官艾礼文(RichardElman)在声明中表示:(中投)与我们一样,衡量一家公司几十年来的成长与成就,而不只是关注财季数据。
"Our business fundamentals are excellent and our resilience in times of turbulent economic conditions is well known," Gareth Davis, Imperial's chief executive officer, said in the statement. “我们的业务基本上非常卓越,我们在经济动荡时期的弹性是众所周知的,”帝国烟草的首席执行官戴维斯(GarethDavis)在一个声明中说。
China is one of our most important growth markets in the world, said Muhtar Kent, chief executive, in a statement. 中国是我们在全世界最重要的增长市场之一,可口可乐首席执行官穆泰康(MuhtarKent)在一份声明中表示。
However, the chief executive said in a statement that the deal had been an excellent opportunity that was undone by the fall in markets. 不过,蒂亚姆在一份声明中表示,该交易是一个难得的机会,只是被市场下跌给毁了。
Nikon executive made a similar statement last year. 尼康决策层去年发布了类似的声明。
Second is the meaning of Professional Executive motivation; third is relative theory statement; 第二部分是职业经理人激励的意义,第三部分相关理论综述与研究,包括层次需要论、成就动机理论、委托代理理论、人力资本理论等;
According to the factual problem of query efficiency in Criminal Interrogation assistance decision support system, this paper analyzes detailedly the concretely executive process of SQL statement reference to the characteristic of database query. 本文针对用户对查询效率要求较高的特点,对SQL查询语句具体的执行过程进行了深入地探讨。
As media and shareholders put a lot of attention on executive compensation of listed companies, the amount of executive compensation included in financial statement is no longer so "surprise". 随着媒体和投资者对上市公司高管薪酬的大量关注,年报上高管薪酬不再那么令人觉得惊讶了。